Study in Tongren Polytechnic College Study in
Fee Structure

铜仁职业技术学院留学生费用清单(所有学生已享受部分奖学金) List of Fees for International students in Tongren Polytechnic College (After partial scholarship) |
类 别 Categories |
费 用 Fees |
报名费 (含入学考核费用) Application Fee |
200元/人(交学校) 200 Yuan / person (to school) JW202和录取通知书如需邮寄回国,邮费由申请者本人承担。 The overseas postage for JW202 and admission letter should be at your own expense. 学校账号(College Account):Bank of China铜仁职业技术学院资金往来结算户 133006439211 |
学 费 Tuition |
3500元/学年(交学校) 3500 Yuan / year (to school) |
住宿费 Accommodation |
2500元/学年/两人间 1200元/学年/四人间(交学校) 2500 Yuan / year / two-bed room (to school) 1200 Yuan/ year/ four-bed room (to school) |
书本费 Textbooks |
语言生:700元/学年(交学校) Chinese Language program: 700 Yuan / year (to school) 专业生:500元/学年(交学校) Other programs: 500 Yuan / year (to school) |
保险费 Insurance |
800元/年(交保险公司) 800 Yuan/ year (to insurance company) |
居留许可 Stay Permit |
400元/年(交公安局出入境) 400 Yuan/ year (to Immigration Office) |
公安局照片采集 Stay Permit Photo |
40元(交公安局出入境) 40 Yuan (to photo studio) |
检验检疫局体检 Medical Check |
350元铜仁市人民医院健康管理体检中心 350 Yuan (to hospital) |
押 金 Deposit Fees |
200元(含水电卡、宿舍房间钥匙、空调遥控器及其他宿舍公共财物)(交学校) 200 Yuan (for room key, water and electricity card, air-conditioner remote control and other public property in dormitory) (to school) |
其他费用 Other Fees |
伙食费、校内医疗费、教学计划之外的实验、实习、专业参观等按实际成本收取。 Fees of meals, on-campus medical treatment, experiments, internship and other academic activities beyond teaching plan will be charged at actual cost. |